Yesterday I gave the introduction to our history.  Today we shall look at our origin.



 The history of Kenya begins with two theories depending on how much faith one has.

There is the Bible story in which God creates Adam and gives him some strong sleeping pills and forks out a rib from his side. Then he (God), crafts a woman from it and they eat the forbidden fruit, and he throws them out of his garden. They multiply outside of his garden and they start spilling into the rest of the globe. Some in the tropics get sun-scorched and black and end up in Africa and in Kenya.

If you got a little more faith, you can believe that the world was a particle that exploded in the Big Bang, prompted by nothing and it became the earth and threw dinosaurs onto the northern part of Kenya which later developed into Zijanthropus and built primitive habitations around Lake Turkana.

The Zinj crawled on their stomachs and then one day they were struck with the innovative idea of walking on all four limbs. In this way, they were able to eat insects and other crawling things. After they had eaten all, it was time for a greater view of the fields and so they decided to become Homo habilis, bent over, giving them a proper view of reptiles and amphibians and watermelons. One day the Homo habilis fell on their backs, and lo and behold they saw oranges and apples and they decided to walk on their legs to reach for the beautiful fruits.

The fruits increased the size of their brains and they changed their family name to Homo erectus because they were able to walk upright with a stoop. Their brain continued to grow steadily and the increase in brain weight straightened their backs and they became the Homo sapiens, us.

With a larger brain, the Homo sapiens developed fishing and hunting tools out of flint rock and later learnt to make a fire after realizing that uncooked food carried worms and germs. 

They later developed into the Turkana of today who later roved southwards and evolved into Kambas and became long-distance traders who sold cowrie shells at the coast. 

The Cushites, who the evolution story does not tell us where they came from, heard that there was a primitive tribe at the coast that spent time in the Indian Ocean collecting shells and hunting elephants and selling their tusks, laughed themselves sick and asked, “Hey, if these guys have nothing to do, why don’t we sell them as slaves?” And so the slave trade began but not before the Kambas evolved into the Miji Kenda.

You realize that this evolution story leaves out your relatives and other tribes of Kenya. Which is why we would rather the .......


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